Sarah is a young girl that feels a little lost. She’s misunderstood by everyone and is in search for herself. During her quest she encouters Meamo and discovers the magical world of Meamundo and her friends the Meamicas. Throughout all kinds of adventures they help her to find her Inner Smile, her passion and her place in this world. Blessed by the Prism Council as the Inner Smile Warrior she fights the evil General Caeco, the eternal arch-enemy of Meamundo, who wants to steal the Inner Smile Prism, the source of the Inner Smile, destroy the world of Meamo and turn it into a dark mechanical world without passion.

During her search for her identity, passion and place in this world, Sarah discovers all kinds of new dimensions, worlds, gates, maps, characters, weapons, tools, religions, languages and so much more... Organised as she is, she writes and draws everything down in her secret notebook. Here you can follow step by step all her new discoveries.

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