Support us

Support the Meamo philosophy and help people find their Inner Smile!

With your donation we can:

  1. Create and spread Inner Smile content: Inner Smile illustrations, comics, strips, animations, videos, art...
  2. Write, publish and distribute the Meamo novels titled “The Inner Smile Warrior” and other Meamo books.
  3. Setup the Inner Smile Community, a community network of people who want to help others find their Inner Smile.
  4. Setup the Meamo shop, a physical concept store with a mix of horeca, shop, art gallery and Inner Smile Space.
  5. Setup the Inner Smile Space, a non-profit organisation with an annual program of lectures, workshops, expo’s and other events to inspire people to find their Inner Smile. Below you can see an impression of what the Meamo Shop will look like. The first location is to be opened in Antwerp, the hometown of the authors.

Click on the button below if you want to support us.


We are looking for a commercial partner for the Meamo concept store. See impression below.

If you are interested or want more info, contact us at .

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